Sources: TopCoder, LetUsKode, StackOverFlow and Google.
Segment Trees mostly used for storing data and to provide easy access in range queries.
Basic Idea:
Each non-Leaf Node summarizes the information stored at descenedent leaves.
In Other words, Node 'i' will have summarized info about child Nodes at Kth Level.
i.e. childs from i*2^k to (i+1)*s^k -1
Majorly two Operations are can be performed on a node in segTrees.
Merge: Summarize info stored at descendant nodes.
Split: Applying certain operations on descendant nodes.
And the following operations are done one the whole segTree.
Initialize: Initialize the segment tree.
Update: Update info of the leaf node and propagate the change till the root.
Query: Query function to be run over a Range or on a specific node(To check balanced state).
Generalized Code Template (In C++): [Node Structure and Operations done on a Node]
//Node Structure
struct node{
<type> <variable> ;
node merge(node& l, node& r){
//Apply your merge logic here.
node split(node& l, node& r){
//Apply Split logic here if you have any
node setValue(){
//Initialize variable in case of Leafnode creation or updation of a LeafNode
Generalized Code Template (In C++): [Operation that can be performed on segTree]
// initialization of Nodes
void init(int Node, int i, int j) {
if(i==j) { // Initialize Leaf Nodes
}else{ // Summerize Descendant Nodes Nodes
int m = (i+j)/2;
init(2*Node, i, m);
init(2*Node+1, m+1, j);
// Update element with index 'idx' in the range [i,j]
void update(int Node, int i, int j,int idx, <values>) {
if(i==j && i == idx) { // Update the LeafNode idx
}else{ // Summerize Descendant Nodes Nodes
int m = (i+j)/2;
if(idx <=m)
update(2*Node, i, m, idx, <values>);
update(2*Node+1, m+1, j, idx, <values>);
// Search for Node having interval info [L,R] in [i,j]; (i <= L < R <= r)
void range_query(node& resultNode,int Node,int i, int j, int L, int R){
if(i==L && j==R){
resultNode = T[Node];
int m = (i+j)/2;
if( R <= m )
range_query(resultNode, 2*Node, i, m, L, R);
else if( L > m )
range_query(resultNode, 2*Node+1, m+1, j, L, R);
node left,right;
range_query(left, 2*Node, i, m, L, m);
range_query(right, 2*Node+1, m+1, j, m+1, R);
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